Python Projects

Capture Your Code: A Beginner's Guide to Taking Screenshots in Python

Capture Your Code: A Beginner’s Guide to Taking Screenshots in Python

You can take a screenshot with Python. Python has a library called pyautogui, which is an automation tool. Install the library using pip: pip install pyautogui Below, we use pyautogui to take the screenshot. We then save the image and convert it from RGB to BGR using cv2 and numpy. We convert the image so […]

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Transform Your Text into Handwriting

Transform Your Text into Handwriting with Python: A Step-by-Step Guide | Python Projects

You can convert text into handwriting with Python. Python has a module called pywhatkit. Install pywhatkit using pip. pip install pywhatkit Below, we use pywhatkit to convert text to handwriting and save it as an image. We then use the cv2 library to view the image. Run this code below: import pywhatkitimport cv2 as cv#

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How to Build a Progress Bar in Python

How to Build a Progress Bar in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide | Python Projects

When you are executing loops (really large ones), you can show a smart progress bar. A library called tqdm creates a progress meter that keeps track of the progress of your loop. To install the library run: pip install tqdm Let’s say you have a range(100000) that you want your loop to run through, and

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How to refresh URL with Selenium

How to refresh URL with Selenium | Python projects | Selenium Library | Python

Dual How to refresh URL with Selenium Did you know that you can refresh a URL using Python? Usually, to refresh a page we have to do it manually. However, we can automate the process with just a few lines of code. Wewill use the Selenium module for this. Install the following: pip install seleniumpip

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How to create a language Detector in python

Language Detector in python | Python Projects | langdetect |

How to create a language Detector in python You can detect language in a text using a Python library called langdetect. At the moment, this detector supports about 55 languages. Here are the supported languages below: af, ar, bg, bn, ca, cs, cy, da, de, el, en, es,et, fa, fi, fr, gu, he,hi, hr, hu,

Language Detector in python | Python Projects | langdetect | Read More »

How To Generate Custom Font in python

How To Generate Custom Font in python | pyfiglet | Python Projects

How To Generate Custom Font in python ? In this blog we are going to see how to generate Custom Font in python using a library called pyfiglet. Python has a cool library that you can use to generate custom fonts. You can use a generated font to create a cool article title. Install using

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How to create a currency converter in python

How to create a currency converter in python | Python Project

How to create a currency converter in python In this blog we are going to see how to create a currency converter in python. You can also see How to Convert Emoji to Text in python, How to Create a barcode in python, Convert PDF files to Doc in python, How to create URL Shortner with Python

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